Working with The Children

By being attentive to the daily situations, the educator seeks examples, questions and consensus, and chooses the best way to work; given the needs and possibilities of the children in the class. The objectives of each class are pursued playfully and dynamically, using differentiated and individualized strategies; respecting and stimulating each child’s potential. The purpose of playing, games, field trips, among other activities is always to acquire new knowledge and raise self-esteem.

Schoolyards, playground, court, arts room, sound and movement room, toys house, vegetable garden and ecological space are some of the environments offered by Studio da Criança that provide development and learning conditions. Although every group has its own classroom, everyday children move about within the school. Since the spaces are versatile, the teacher and children can adaptate these areas according to the activities that will be developed. The time children stay at school depends on the personal rhythm and differences. Effective time planning allows various individual and collective activities, making our daily routine very dynamic. To know more about our spaces, click here.

At Studio da Criança, the educational contents are understood as instruments which children have to analyse the reality, enriching their perception about it, and not simply the final purposes. They are seen as theme projects. Class teacher, English and complementary activities teachers make plans jointly. This integration allows the reality to be analysed by the child through different aspects, without fragmentation.

Besides the educational work done by the classroom teacher, there are activities with specialized educators who work side-by-side with the group’s objectives, seeking to broaden the harmonious coexistence of the student and a different language, and also aiding in the acquisition of new skills.

The Nursery School understands how important parents are in order to get the work done; because together we build an environment that enables new experiences and challenges on a daily routine and that excels in friendliness, happiness, and safety. This can be accomplished through the information on the meals, hygiene, educational work provided in the School diary, the meetings with technical staff in order to obtain more information and clarify doubts on any particular issue with the child, and also through the constant updating of our website with new photos and discoveries made during the projects of each group.

Since food education is essential, the school counts on the work of a nutritionist who is responsible for the development of menus and the for the children’s education about healthy eating habits. All food is prepared at the School kitchen and supervised by the nutritionist.